By the Blues Boss
Well, by the time you read this, I will have done some Blues Trippin' in the State of Oregon at the
Willamette Valley Brews and Blues Festival in Springfield. Held at Island Park in Springfield, this festival promises to be right up my alley….great music and it's all over by 10:30pm!

This is just the second year for this festival, but it promises to be a great one, featuring Northwest artists – and, that is right up my alley too – supporting local blues musicians. And, the big bonus is getting to see my buddy (and former Seattle Bluesman)
Henry Cooper 
perform. Henry and his lovely wife Anne moved back to Oregon (their home state) a couple years back, and like everyone else, I miss that monster slide guitar music Henry puts out.
The two-day festival features some of the Northwest's best – from
Curtis Salgado 

with Lloyd Jones on Friday to the
Karen Lovely Band 
(with Peter Dammann sitting in on guitar) closing the festivities out on Saturday. Throw in are
The Strange Tones (with the Volcano Vixens, of course) and David Jacobs-Stain on Friday and Big Monti and Henry Cooper on Saturday, and you've got a "festival' for sure. There are several other Oregon acts throughout Friday and Saturday – a chance for me to see and hear more Northwest talent.
Rainy Day Blues Society will hold their "
Muddy Road to Memphis" (IBC Competitions) on Saturday afternoon, followed by Bill Rhoades heading up a "Blues and Brews Harmonica Showoff" I will attend, and I promise not to "heckle" – not too much at least. Throw in an acoustic stage on and a special "Kate Darden Kid Zone Stage" on Saturday and it sounds like a pretty good time can be had by all.

On Sunday, I scoot over to the Oregon Coast and spend a couple days with the Coopers. "Commodore" Cooper (he has a Marine Pilot's license for his "day job") is off for a couple days and will give me a guided tour of the Otis, Oregon area. I couldn't pass up the chance of combining a nice blues festival with a few days on the Oregon Coast. And, don't worry; I'll have my trusty camera in-hand for sure.
- Keep on Blues Trippin'
My nostalgia recommendation for this month, since Curtis Salgado is a headliner at the Willamette Brews and Blues Festival, is "Wiggle Outta This" one of Mr. Salgado's excellent albums.
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