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Blues Cruise On Land at Left Coast Rogers'


by Robert Horn

As happens every year in Seattle, a large three story house seems like a blues cruise on a weekend in early December. Roger has a giant house party each year with several hundred blues fans and a jam with about 100 blues musicians coming through over the weekend. Some show up on Friday and some are getting ready to leave on Sunday. Of the several hundred that may be there - after a few drinks the crowd looks bigger - many are musicians, and the jam that happens on Saturday is good enough to rival a small blues festival.

There is so much food that it never seems to get low. There are cases of wine (a good variety), liquor and beer. Its a perfect way to gain weight between Thanksgiving and Christmas since it is on the weekend of December 4th. Don't confuse this with the Washington Blues Society Holiday Party, which is also coming up on December 19th and a must to be at if you love the music.

A few photographs were captured. Mark Dufresne was wearing a hat that got some laughs, and he said that if anyone put this on YouTube he'd kill them. Since this isn't YouTube, I guess I am safe! Oh, hey, I will claim I did not take the pictures. I have a list of people I can blame it on. The party was great, and the blues musicians performing there were a big part of why that was. Now on to the Washington Blues Society holiday party!!

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