Big Daddy's Jam Night in Woodinville, WA
by Robert Horn
Big Daddy's in Woodinville, Washington is developing something that increasing numbers of blues fans are finding out about and making a pilgrimage to. This pilgrim was lured there by rumors of good music and a suggestion from a hot redhead with nice legs (well, ok I am only a guy and not above earthly temptations). Anyway the music was great, and the calender for Big Daddy's reveals that it is an ongoing thing. They have blues there now all the time. I won't be surprised if I start seeing the name Big Daddy's on the Best of Blues Award Ballots along with the usual places like Highway 99 and The Oxford Saloon.
January 25th 2011 was one of the usual Tuesday night blues jams. A lot of musicians got on stage that night. It started with the Randy Oxford Band who had John Gula filling in for Raphael who was out of town. The guitar sounded good. Al Owen soon played harmonica and there was a lot going on the audience loved. I had not been to the Tuesday jam there before so I didn't know if it was always that packed, but I guess it is a new development. Some people more familiar with the scene there were turning to each other and saying things like, "Look at this crowd! This is great. This place is packed..." Someone is spreading the word and getting people there, or maybe it's just word of mouth. The music sounded great, and I commented to a staff person that the sound tech is doing a good job. Some clubs that get good bands don't always have them sounding as good as they should because the mix is wrong, but that was not the case there.
Woodinville is a little bit of a drive if you are south of Seattle, or north of Anacortes, or east of the Cascades; but I suggest that more pilgrims set out on the journey. I took these pictures (below) of the music, but they can't quite let you see the sound of it.
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