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The Blues Boss is Trippin' for Nominations!


Okay. This is your annual [last minute] reminder to NOMINATE your favorite local musicians, graphic artists, writers, festivals, for the 2011 "Best of the Blues" Awards. You have until Februarv 14, 2011 to get your nomination ballot mailed into the Washington Blues Society (WBS). Or, you can give your ballot to any member of the Board of Directors.

Nomination ballot you say?! Well, go find your January issue of the Bluesletter (first place I'd look is next to the toilet in the bathroom - that's where mine is). Tear the back page off (it's both your ballot and proof that you are a valid, voting member in good standing - the "mailing sticker" on the reverse side is your proof of current membership in the WBS).

Now, fill it out. You do not have to fill out the entire ballot - most ballots are not completely filled out. Remember, past winners of Lifetime Achievement, Hall of Fame and Keepin' the Blues Alive should not be nominated again - go to to see who's won these awards in the past.

Then go find an envelope, address it to the WBS, P.O. Box 70604, Seattle, WA 98127-0604, and put a stamp on it. Mail it in! Have a say in who winds up on the ballot for the 2011 "BB's. Besides, if you vote you then have the wonderful right to bitch and complain about who makes the final ballot... and, who doesn't! It's your right as a card carrying Washington Blues Society Member - exercise it!

While your ballot is making it to our post office box in Ballard, go out and listen to some great LIVE blues music!

The venues will appreciate it. .. and, so will our talented Pacific Northwest Musicians.

Again, if you don't have a ballot, see a Board Member. We'll be happy to verify that you are a member with
Membership Director Michelle Burge, or you can download one by clicking HERE!

By the Blues Boss

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