An All-Star Band at Highway 99
By Robert Horn (or some may know him as Robert "Susan Lucci-Rodney Dangerfield" Horn)
Saturday, April 23, 2011, an amazing show happened at the Highway 99 Blues Club. I have long been impressed by Kim Field on harmonica and vocals. I remember Paul DeLay's wake at The Triple Door a few years ago. Back then there were a number of great harmonica players on stage. Kim unplugged the harmonica from the mic and walked to the center of the stage. He then played a harmonica solo louder than anyone has probably played it with the aid of electricity. He hit the high notes with perfect tone while performing a passionate and artistically powerful example of how great audible art can be.
Kim sang as well as ever, and his harmonica had the tone worthy of his bands name: Kim Field & the Mighty Titans of Tone. A list of guest performers made it into a big band. There was the Emerald City Horns to back up the band that included Mr Brady on bass and Andrew Cloutier on drums among other treats. Bill Rhodes from Portland sang and played harmonica as did Mike Lynch. There was also something new, The Titanettes (no kidding). Yes two women singers sang some harmony and background for Kim and the band.
Find where you can catch Kim and the band, go see and hear the act. It is pretty damn amazing. Or, you can buy their latest CD by clicking on the cover image below:
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